Corporate Eye Health With MoneyLion

To further advocate for our initiative to drive eye health awareness and education this year, we had the chance to organize an Eye Health Screening for MoneyLion Malaysia Sdn Bhd on the 10th of November 2022 from 9am till 1pm.

90% of MoneyLion’s employees are focused in the tech industry and they are heavily reliant on using digital devices both for work and in their lifestyle. It is highly relatable and noticeable that through our extensive screening the majority of their employees have dry eyes symptoms which can also relate back to (CVS) Computer Vision Syndrome. There were also cases of early glaucoma in some of the employees as well which is more prevalent for those that are older.

Through this corporate Eye Health Screening, we managed to consult and assess close to 80 pax of employees with the median age of 30 and we hope that through this initiative we are able to help provide better eye care and service to cater to their eye conditions and needs. 

We would like to extend our appreciation and thanks to MoneyLion management for providing us this opportunity to make this event possible and also our appreciation to our MOG’s professional team for making this event more fruitful with their support.

“Together, we aspire to Help The World See Better. In Eye Care, We Care More.”